Information for your Visit
to the conservation lands of Oyster Pond Environmental Trust (OPET) Comprising the Headwaters of Oyster Pond & Zinn Park!
- There is no charge for visiting our properties!
- Please respect our neighbors by keeping to the trails.
- Please stay on the pathways to avoid contact with poison ivy and ticks.
- Check yourself carefully for ticks after walking the trails. If you can, after your walk place all of your clothing into a dryer and run on high for ten minutes to kill any missed ticks.
- Keep your dog on a leash and don’t let them enter wetland areas.
- Fires, Camping and Hunting are prohibited on our properties.
- Bikes are allowed on the pathway between Fells and Ransom Road, but not the other trails. Please dismount and walk your bike.
- Motorized Vehicles are Prohibited
- If you see anything we need to be aware of, such as trees blocking trails or dumping, please contact us at
- Use 60 Fells Road, Falmouth for your GPS to find our 3 car parking area and trailhead kiosk with trail maps at the end of Fells Road.
Enjoy Your Visit!

photo Dorene Sykes

Zinn Park Dedication in 2001

One of the vernal pools